torstai 25. tammikuuta 2018


Girl normal
woman textures is used in the body with the same uv textures is used in the body with the same uv mapping.texture paint is used to make pictures of comics with painted.

keskiviikko 24. tammikuuta 2018

Elf life

pixel art idea elfen life anime / manga pixel at once build image. when the picture is ready to scall big hard edges.


pixel art idea Fallout helmet. pixel at a time is built image. when the picture is ready to scall big hard edges.

perjantai 12. elokuuta 2016

Crown cork

The main buttons
E: extrude
Z: wireframe and solid
ALT: ring loop
X: delete
C:  paint pick polygons
CMD Z: return back to the previous step

1.step. first pick face and extrude in toward. 

2. next top face extrude and shape 3 pic sighted.

3. delete floor face and add modifier subdivide.
4. delete top face. nex space write grid fill. 6 photo-sighted.6. photo

5. pick verts and move down.

 6. pick edges S.

modifier subdivide
7. pick vests  and S.

8. smoot face.
9. finally choose materials and render.

lauantai 21. toukokuuta 2016

Old work 2012 - 2014

Prepared  Rhinoceros year 2012.prepared 

prepared Blender year 2014.

prepared Blender year 2012.
prepared Blender year 2012.